Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystem included in the Italian Costitution

The Italian parliament has definitively approved the bill amending two articles of the Constitution, 9 and 41
Article 9 is part of the "fundamental" articles of the Constitution. It already contained the protection of the landscape heritage and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation, with the reform the Republic also attributes the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems and explicitly specifies a principle of protection for animals.
The amendment to Article 41, on the other hand, states that health and the environment are paradigms to be protected by the economy, as well as safety, freedom and human dignity. And the same amended article also states how institutions, through laws, programs and controls, can orient public and private economic initiative not only towards social but also towards environmental purposes.

"The inclusion in the Constitution of the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems represents the culmination of a path that stems from the sensitivity of citizens and gives strength to these issues, qualifying them as fundamental assets. A strong signal, a challenge for all of us and a greater responsibility that will allow us to carry out more effective protection actions for health and quality of life, definitively establishing that the environment is a right for everyone, as the President of the Republic has often declared "declared Stefano Laporta, president of ISPRA and SNPA