Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Guidelines for Monitoring the environmental effects of the produced water discharge deriving from offshore hydrocarbons extraction"

Companies involved in offshore oil and gas production activities operating on the Italian continental shelf are required to carry out environmental monitoring in order to obtain information on the actual and potential environmental impacts of Produced Water (PW) discharged in the sea for the marine ecosystem. Such activities are regulated under D. Lgs. 152/2006 (art.104) and the guidelines are a result of an ISPRA advisory group appointed by the Environmental Ministry (now MITE).

The guidelines contain detailed requirements on how to carry out and report from the monitoring activities. They cover the expected scope of monitoring activities, which parameters must be analyzed in water column, in sediments and biota, and which methods must be used, as well as provide requirements on the templates for data entry. Moreover within the guidelines are indicated which parameters must be analyzed in Produced Water and the ecotoxicological bioassays for some additives of possible employment (i.e. diethylene glycol, called DEG).


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Handbooks and guidelines