Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Access to environmental data


The Data and Indicators section of the ISPRA website allows navigation of environmental data and indicators by theme and through some transversal navigation portals such as the Environmental Data Yearbook, the EcoAtlas, the database on the quality of the Urban Environment. The data and indicators are produced as part of the activities of ISPRA and SNPA and feed the National Environmental Information System.


It is the PA's open data portal. By accessing the Portal and entering "Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research" or "ISPRA" as administration, you will find datasets released with an open license


The highest level of data openness is represented by Linked Open Data open data which allows, through the possibility of connecting to each other, to reach the maximum level of interoperability between resources belonging to different sources.

Linked Open Data allows any concept to be mapped into an information model by expressing itself according to a simple scheme whose basic unit is the "subject-predicate-object" triplet which recalls the way of representing the external world typical of the human mind.


RNDT or the National Repertoire of Territorial Data (RNDT) was established with article 59 of the Digital Administration Code (Legislative Decree 82/2005 and subsequent amendments) and is the national catalog of metadata regarding territorial data and ad services they related, available from the Public Administrations.

By accessing the RNDT National Repertoire of Territorial Data and entering the Detailed Search under Responsible Administration "Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research" you will find ISPRA's OGC INSPIRE datasets and services


SCHEMA is the national catalog of data semantics, for the exchange of data and information between public administrations. Schema is the ever-evolving catalog that harmonizes and standardizes shared data models and ensures that the format and meaning of exchanged information is preserved and understood during exchanges. By accessing the Portal and clicking on Explore Catalog and entering "Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research" in Filter by Owner, you will find ISPRA's controlled ontologies and vocabularies.