Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Report ReNDiS2020: land protection through twenty years of ISPRA monitoring of measures for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk

The ReNDiS project (National Repertory of mitigation measures for Land Protection) was born with the aim of building a unitary and systematically updated information framework of the measures and resources involved in soil protection, shared in real time between all the administrations involved. Today it consists of an integrated platform, supplemented with a web interface, whose functions concern all the phases of planning, programming and implementation of measures.

The platform currently includes 6,063 measures for a total amount of € 6.59 billion. The funding requests, managed through a restricted access investigation area, consist of 7,811 active project proposals, for a total amount of 26,579 billion.

This Report traces an overall picture of the first twenty years of activity.


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