Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA at the plenary session IPCC

Kyoto, 8 may

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), composed by195 countries and hundreds of scientists opened its 49th session in Kyoto, Japan on Wednesday, to evalute an update of the methodology used by governments to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and absorptions. The aim IPCC's aim is to provide governments with the scientific and methodological bases to face the problem of climate change. The group of scientific experts and the representatives of the 195 countries will evaluate the methodological report called 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories ”.

The new methodological report updates and consolidates the scientific basis for future actions in the climate field and the choice of experts for the preparation of the report was made on the basis of the appointment, by the various Countries through the IPCC focal points, registered in the roster of expert UNFCCC who had a vast and consolidated experience on specific subjects, able therefore to be able to actively contribute to the drafting of the new guidelines. In particular, the focal point IPCC for Italy proposed ISPRA experts, who were subsequently selected by the IPCC.

Among the 328 applications received from governments, observer organizations and Bureau members, 190 experts were selected as Authors and Reviewers of the TFB auditors in accordance with the principles governing the work of the IPCC. Three ISPRA experts have been selected as Lead Author and Coordinating Lead Author.