Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


European Environment Strategy 2021-2030: Bratti in the Advisory Committee

The DG of Ispra was appointed as a member of the committee that will define the next European ten-year plan of the European Environment Agency (EEA). As Vice President of the EEA, Bratti will also have the task to define the next ten-year plan of the Agency and the European institutions within the newly established Strategic Committee. In the committee are included also the irish president of the Management Board of the Agency, Laura Burke, and the European representatives of the environmental agencies of France, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Switzerland, together with the heads of the Environment and Climate Directorates of the European Commission

The decision to build a special body to define the European environmental strategy for the next decade, in synergy with Brussels, was taken on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the EEA, celebrated in Copenhagen last June. In this process of defining the operative lines, the Agency will be in Italy in February 2020 to present, together with Ispra, the European and Italian Environmental Data Yearbook: a double appointment that will put Rome at the center of european environmental policies.