Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Signed the memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and the University of Palermo

The agreement is aimed at promoting collaboration between ISPRA and UNIPA for the achievement of goals of common interest in the planning and implementation of projects in the sectors of environmental protection and sustainability, for the adoption of a shared strategy.

Among the purposes of the Memorandum of Understanding are: scientific research and study activities with the aim of expanding the opportunities of university professors and researchers; training, higher education and specialization activities; joint participation in national, European and international projects; development of common activities within the Scientific Pole of the Roosevelt complex in Palermo; sharing of research laboratories in the area; development of common activities for the study of marine climatology, development of common activities for the environmental characterization and protection of the coastal strip.

The University of Palermo has been carrying out activities related to environmental research topics for a long time, developed on the basis of an interdisciplinary and transversal approach with particular regard to topical contents, such as for example the mitigation of climate change.