Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


SiBaTer launches a mapping test on a sample of "pilot" Municipalities

Last 11 november the technical table promoted by SIBaTer (Institutional support to the bank for lands) to develop a mapping in progress for layers level of data concerning different territorial and environmental profiles of some pilot areas of 8 regions of South of Italy,

The mapping activity will be carried out by a mixed ISPRA-SIBaTer working group, with the full collaboration of the institutional partners who are members of the "Mapping coordination technical table", who will make available data and metadata of the respective DBs: Cadastre Service of the Revenue Agency, ISTAT, CREA in house of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies, ISMEA Institute of Services for the Agricultural Food Market and AGEA Agency for disbursements in agriculture.

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