Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Mapping Geology in Italy

The purpose of this volume is to illustrate, through contributions from Italian, European and extra-European Authors, the conceptual and methodological procedures that control the field geological surveys and their mapping layout.
In it have been tested different methodologies in the acquisition and reproduction of cartographic data, designed to cover many areas of Earth Sciences. The contributes are organized into subject areas, ranging from the analysis of area involved by Quaternary geology and morphogenesis or by recent and current volcanic successions, tectono-stratigraphic analysis of classic Meso-Cenozoic Apennine successions, up to the study of Alpine deformation of the basement. Among others, stand out the development of methods for three-dimensional representation that facilitate the comprehension of the geological structures.
The conclusion of the work is entrusted to the mapping of two particular geological sites: considering that Italy is a region in which geological history is one of the most comprehensive and complex in Europe, these examples represent an element of awareness and geological heritage protection.
The work is not presented as a map collection, but it presents and illustrates, in an educational and informative way new methodological models, driving the reader through the various paths of recognition and interpretation of the basis for the mapping.
The value of the work, as well as the careful layout, is the educational address given to provide scholars, researchers, technicians and students of different disciplines, a modern tool for geospatial analysis.

Cost of the volume 70,00 € TAX included

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Luxury Publications

Introduction - A short outline of the geology of Italy


Location Map

  1. D'Argenio B., Aiello G., De Alteriis G., Milia A., Sacchi M., Tonielli R., Angelino A., Budillon F., Chiocci F., Conforti A., De Lauro M., Di Martino G., D'Isanto C., Esposito E., Ferraro L., Innangi S., Insinga D., Iorio M., Marsella E., Molisso F., Morra V., Passaro S., Pelosi N., Porfido S., Raspini A., Ruggieri S., Sarnacchiaro G., Terranova C., Vilardo G., & Violante C. - Digital elevation model of the Naples Bay and adjacent areas (Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea)
  2. Casciello E., Cesarano M., Conforti A., D'Argenio B., Marsella E., Pappone G., & Sacchi M. - Extensional detachment geometries on the Tyrrhenian margin (the Salerno district)
  3. D'Argenio B., Violante C., Sacchi M., Budillon F., Pappone G., Casciello E. & Cesarano M. - Capri, Bocca Piccola and Punta Campanella. Marine and onland geology compared
  4. Guarnieri P., Di Stefano A., Carbone S., Lentini F. & Del Ben A. - A multidisciplinary approach to the reconstruction of the Quaternary evolution of the Messina Strait area
  5. Trincardi F., Cattaneo A., Correggiari A., Penitenti D., Roveri M., Asioli A. & Taviani M. - Geological mapping of the Italian seafloors: The Adriatic Project
  6. Cibin U. & Severi P. - The Po Plain Quaternary deposits between Forlì and Ravenna: Surface and subsurface geology
  7. Carraro F. & Lucchesi S. - Application of integrated allostratigraphy to the geological survey of the central Piedmont plain
  8. Bonomi T., Cavallin A., Marchetti M. & Sironi S. - 3D geological model of the northern Po Plain near Brescia
  9. Zanchi A., Salvi F., Natoli E., De Amicis M., Jadoul F. & Sterlacchini S. - GIS and 3D geological reconstruction of the Zuccone gravitational deformation, Val Taleggio (Southern Alps)
  10. Venturini C., Astori A. & Cisotto A. - The Late Quaternary evolution of the Friuli upper plain (NE Italy)
  11. Bosi C., Messina P., & Moro M. - Use of allo-morphosequential units in the Quaternary geological map of the upper Aterno Valley (Central Apennines)
  12. Giordano G., Mazza R., Capelli G., Funiciello R. & Parotto M. - Geological surveying in a metropolitan area: The southern suburbs of Rome
  13. Guerrieri L., Brunamonte F., Comerci V., Ferreli L., Michetti A.M., Pompili R. & Serva L. - Geological evolution of the intermountain Rieti basin (Central Apennines)
  14. De Rita D., Giordano G., Fabbri M. & Rodani S. - Cartography of syn-eruption and inter-eruption deposits: The example of Roccamonfina Volcano
  15. Lucchi F., Tranne A.C., Calanchi N. & Rossi P.L. - Geological cartography in volcanic areas: The case of Lipari Late Quaternary volcanism (Aeolian Islands)
  16. Branca S., Coltelli M., Del Carlo P., Groppelli G., Norini G. & Pasquaré G. - Stratigraphic approaches and tools in the geological mapping of Mt. Etna Volcano
  17. Grasso M., Pedley M., Behncke B., Maniscalco R. & Sturiale G. - Integrated stratigraphic approach to the study of the Neogene-Quaternary sedimentation and volcanism in the northern Hyblean Plateau (Sicily)
  18. Praturlon A. & Madonna S. - Mesozoic-Tertiary carbonate platforms in marginal areas (Mts. Prenestini, Central Apennines)
  19. Cosentino D., Cipollari P. & Pasquali V. - The Jurassic pelagic carbonate platform of the Cornicolani Mts. (Central Apennines)
  20. Galluzzo F. & Santantonio M. - Mapping of a pelagic carbonate platform/basin system in the Rossa Mts. (Central Apennines)
  21. D'Ambrogi C., Pantaloni M., Borraccini F. & De Donatis M. - A 3D geological model of the Fossombrone area (Northern Apennines)
  22. Bettelli G., Conti S., Panini F. & Vannucchi P. - Mapping of chaotic rocks in Abruzzo (Central Apennines): Comparison with selected example from Northern Apennines
  23. Martelli L. - Mapping of foredeep turbidite successions: The Marnoso-arenacea example from the Northern Apennines
  24. Aruta G., Bruni P., Buccianti A., Cecchi M., Cipriani N., Monti L., Nebbiai M., Pandeli E., Papini M. & Reale V. - Integrated stratigraphic, petrographic and statistical data as a tool for mapping perisutural turbidite
  25. Landuzzi A. - Syn-depositional emplacement of the Liguride allochthon in the Miocene foredeep of the Western Romagna Apennines
  26. Calamita F., Ben M'Barek M., Di Vincenzo M. & Pelorosso M. - The Pliocene thrust system of the Gran Sasso salient (Central Apennines, Italy)
  27. Cerrina Feroni A., Marroni M., Ottria G. & Pandolfi L. - Mapping of poliphase folding at upper structural levels: An example from the Val Borbera (Northern Apennines)
  28. Dallagiovanna G., Seno S. & Vanossi M. - Data collecting and mapping for kinematic reconstruction: A case history from the Ligurian Alps
  29. Dini A., Innocenti F., Rocchi S. & Westerman D.S. - The late Miocene Christmas-tree laccolith complex of the Island of Elba
  30. Rebay G., Tallone S., D'Antonio D., Scambelluri M., Bistacchi A., Messiga B. & Gosso G. - Metamorphosed ophiolitic units in the Ligurian Alps
  31. Dal Piaz G.V. - From the European continental margin to the Mesozoic Tethyan ocean: A geological map of the upper Ayas Valley (Western Alps)
  32. Martin S., Fellin M.G., Massironi M., Surian N., Tommasi L. & Cocco S. - Recent surface tectonics in a Palaeozoic deeply-exhumed basement: The Bresimo Valley (Western Trentino)
  33. Forster M., Lister G., Compagnoni R., Giles D., Hills Q., Betts P., Beltrando M. & Tamagno E. - Mapping of oceanic crust with "HP" to "UHP" metamorphism: The Lago di Cignana Unit (Western Alps)
  34. Compagnoni R., Rolfo F., Groppo C., Hirajima T. & Turello R. - Mapping of Alpine rocks characterised by "HP" to "UHP" metamorphic overprint in the Southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps)
  35. Gosso G., Salvi F., Spalla M.I. & Zucali M. - Map of deformation partitioning in the polydeformed and polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement of the Central Alps (Upper Valtellina and Val Camonica, Italy)
  36. Di Paola S. & Spalla M.I. - Maps of foliation trajectories and metamorphic imprints: A tool for individuating tectonometamorphic units in the Southalpine basement (Como Lake area)

  37. Venturini C., Discenza K. & Garuti D. - The drafting project of a composite geosite: The Early Holocene Sutrio palaeolake
  38. Giardino M., Giordan D., Baggio P. & Mortara G. - Map of the Sangonetto Valley Geosites (Western Alps): Geological research and tourism enhancement