Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

World Oceans Day: Know, Understand, Coexist
World Oceans Day: Know, Understand, Coexist
Jun 06, 2024 — Jun 08, 2024 Palermo

On the occasion of World Oceans Day (WOD) the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology organizes the event "World Oceans Day: Knowing, Understanding, Living"

The event will take place in Palermo, Rome and Lerici and will have a science and art format to guide participants in an experience capable of sparking connections with the natural environment, allowing them to learn more about the ocean and understand how to actively contribute to its conservation.

Evolution of policies for the protection of biodiversity and innovation in business strategies
Evolution of policies for the protection of biodiversity and innovation in business strategies
Jun 05, 2024 — Jun 05, 2024 Webinar

In recent years, research has highlighted the role of biodiversity and the protection of natural capital in generating fundamental functions for the well-being of ecosystems and people. According to the World Economic Forum (2023) almost 50% of the global economy is threatened by the loss of biodiversity and 79% of threatened species are endangered due to the impacts generated by economic activity.

33rd Plenary Meeting of the Network of the Heads of European Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA)
33rd Plenary Meeting of the Network of the Heads of European Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA)
Jun 02, 2024 — Jun 04, 2024 Rome, Spazio Europa

The event will take place at the ‘Spazio Europa’, operated by the Office of the European Parliament in Italy and by the Representation in Italy of the European Commission.
The theme for the meeting in Rome will be to shed light on the roles and functions of the European nature conservation agencies in supporting governments in the sciencebased, effective and efficient implementation of the CBD Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the relevant nature restoration initiatives in Europe.

ISPRA documentary "The House of Sand"
ISPRA documentary "The House of Sand"
May 30, 2024

Do you know the Kentish Plover? Do you know that you might encounter it on the beach this summer? Unfortunately, it is currently among the most threatened coastal nesting species. Most breeding populations in Europe are declining, sometimes dramatically as in Italy, due to disturbance from human activities, predation by invasive species, and habitat loss and degradation. The documentary "The House of Sand" describes the monitoring and scientific research activities carried out by ISPRA in collaboration with local ringers, the local associations of the National Committee for the Conservation of the Kentish Plover and the General Command of the Carabinieri.

The Forest City
The Forest City
May 29, 2024 — May 30, 2024 Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale

The Carabinieri is organizing the international conference "The Forest City" in Rome on 29 and 30 May 2024, at the Auditorium of the National Library, with the aim of highlighting the important role of forests in the city, intended as a new approach method to promote urban and human regeneration.

European Parks Day
European Parks Day
May 24, 2024 — May 24, 2024

Parks and protected areas constitute a unique and precious heritage to experience and protect. Every year on 24 May, European Parks Day is celebrated and the initiative of the European Parks Federation (EUROPARC) is renewed to remember the day on which, in 1909, the first national park in Europe was established in Sweden. In Italy the first parks were created in 1922: the Gran Paradiso and the Abruzzo Park, which later became the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park.

Agriculture, biodiversity and sustainable development: scenarios and virtuous paths
Agriculture, biodiversity and sustainable development: scenarios and virtuous paths
May 23, 2024 03:00 PM — May 23, 2024 06:00 PM Sant'Arcangelo di Magione (PG)

Over time, agricultural activity has determined the modification of natural ecosystems, transforming and reorganizing them into systems in which the balance between natural elements is different from the original one, precisely due to the impact of human activities on the environment. The 2030 Agenda through the SDGs promotes, in particular, a transformative change in economies and societies by promoting a new approach at a global level that better integrates the protection of biodiversity with government policies.

The role of National Parks in the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems
The role of National Parks in the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems
May 23, 2024 09:00 AM — May 23, 2024 02:30 PM Vico del Gargano

On the occasion of the European Parks Day, the Gargano National Park organizes the conference "The role of National Parks in the protection and enhancement of natural ecosystems".

World Biodiversity Day 2024
World Biodiversity Day 2024
May 22, 2024 — May 22, 2024

May 22nd is World Biodiversity Day proclaimed by the United Nations to celebrate biodiversity on our planet.
“Be Part of the Plan” is the theme chosen in 2024 to celebrate this day, and is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by supporting the implementation of the Kunming Global Biodiversity Framework- Montreal.
This year's celebration of the International Day for Biodiversity will coincide with two meetings of the subsidiary bodies of the Convention on Biological Diversity which will both take place in Nairobi: the twenty-sixth meeting of the subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice (SBSTTA, 13-18 May) and the fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI, 21-29 May).

World Bee Day 2024
World Bee Day 2024
May 20, 2024 — May 20, 2024

Pollination is a fundamental process for the survival of ecosystems. Nearly 90% of the world's wild flowering plant species depend entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world's food crops and 35% of global agricultural land. Pollinators are essential for conserving biodiversity.

In order to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN has designated 20 May  World Bee Day.

The goal is to strengthen measures to protect bees and other pollinators, which would significantly contribute to solving global food supply problems and eliminating hunger in developing countries.

"Bee engaged with youth" is the theme chosen for the 2024 Day. This theme highlights the importance of involving young people in beekeeping and pollinator conservation efforts, recognizing them as future custodians of our environment.

ISPRA pubblication concerning pollinators:

Plants and insect pollination: an alliance for biodiversity 

The decline of bees and pollinators. The answers to the most frequently asked questions

Bees and sustainable agriculture

Risks for biodiversity linked to the spread of invasive alien species and the role of the horticultural sector
Risks for biodiversity linked to the spread of invasive alien species and the role of the horticultural sector
May 17, 2024 05:30 PM — May 17, 2024 07:00 PM Online

The webinar, organized by Assofloro and Coldiretti in collaboration with ISPRA, addresses the issues of risks linked to the introduction and spread of invasive alien species and correct practices in the horticultural sector to limit-contain the risk.

Final conference project LIFE WolfAlps EU
Final conference project LIFE WolfAlps EU
May 17, 2024 — May 19, 2024 Trento(online

The three-day event dedicated to the activities carried out in recent years by the staff of the LIFE WolfAlps Project and future prospects will be held in Trento.

May 17th and 18th will be dedicated to communicating the main results obtained during the project, but not only that: we will talk about lynx and golden jackal, management on a European scale, and coexistence with fauna in general.

The event will also be available on the Project's social channels.

The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop  awareness  activities related the Italian coasts and seas
The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop awareness activities related the Italian coasts and seas
May 15, 2024 — May 15, 2024 Rome, ISPRA headquarter

The Director General of ISPRA Maria Siclari and the President of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea (ONTM APS) Roberto Minerdo have signed a Convention, lasting two years, with the aim of promoting technological research and raising awareness on theme of the defense of coasts, ecosystems and marine biodiversity, to enhance the Italian natural heritage and for the development of socioeconomic models in the New Blue Economy.

In particular, ISPRA as implementing body and within the PNRR MER - Marine Ecosystem Restoration Project, deals with the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the integral mapping of the Italian coast, coastal habitats and deep habitats present in the seamounts of Italian marine waters, the strengthening of the observation networks of fixed monitoring stations, all this through the implementation of 37 overall interventions.

The Observatory is committed to disseminating, raising awareness and studying issues relating to New Blue Economy sectors, with particular reference to the areas of energy production (offshore wind and photovoltaic, geothermal energy...) and the development of coastal and cruise tourism and Green Defense for the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law in the community context.

The meeting of the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity in Nairobi
The meeting of the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity in Nairobi
May 13, 2024 — May 29, 2024 Nairobi - Kenya

Four ISPRA experts participate in the negotiations

15 months after the historic adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF for short) in December 2022 at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), attention is now focused on its actual implementation. Establishing a path towards achieving the 23 goals for 2030 and the four strategic goals for 2050 of the GBF is the only way to achieve the global vision of a world that, as the text of the CBD requires, «lives in harmony with nature" by 2050.

World Migration Bird Day 2024
World Migration Bird Day 2024
May 11, 2024 — May 11, 2024

Saturday 11 May is World Migratory Bird Day which this year puts the spotlight on the relationship between migratory birds and insects amid an alarming decline in both.

World Day is a global campaign that educates and promotes conservation efforts about migratory birds and their travels across borders. Each year the campaign features a central theme, spurs action and coordinates global efforts to safeguard migratory birds and their habitat.

Are the nature conservation actions developed in recent decades effective in halting the decline of biodiversity?
Are the nature conservation actions developed in recent decades effective in halting the decline of biodiversity?
May 02, 2024

In a study published in Science, an analysis is carried out on nature conservation measures, highlighting how effective they have been in counteracting the loss of biodiversity.

How effective have the measures implemented in recent decades to combat the loss of biodiversity really been?

Canoe excursion in the Tevere river: where to find molluscs
Canoe excursion in the Tevere river: where to find molluscs
Apr 29, 2024 12:00 PM — Apr 29, 2024 05:00 PM

As part of the City Nature Challenge 2024, the Italian Canoe Association (AICAN) proposes a canoe excursion in the stretch of the Tiber river between Monterotondo and Settebagni.
The initiative is aimed at monitoring molluscs in the Tiber river and is part of the activities of the participatory science project #teveremolluschifantastici...and where to find them coordinated by ISPRA.

G7 Climate, Energy and Environment: the Venaria Charter approved, from stopping coal to supporting renewables and Africa
G7 Climate, Energy and Environment: the Venaria Charter approved, from stopping coal to supporting renewables and Africa
Apr 28, 2024 — Apr 30, 2024 Torino, Reggia di Venaria

The G7 Climate, Energy and Environment ministers met in Turin, in the Royal Palace of Venaria, from 28 to 30 April. At the end of the working sessions they adopted a Joint Declaration which gives a precise follow-up to the objectives agreed at COP 28 and sends a clear message to other countries, in particular the major economies, on the level of commitment needed to adequately respond to the challenge of change climate, in an ambitious and effective way.

Citizen science in the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
Citizen science in the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
Apr 27, 2024 09:30 AM — Apr 27, 2024 12:30 PM Roma, Casa del Parco della Riserva Naturale Valle dell’Aniene, Via Vicovaro snc

As part of the City Nature Challenge, the international Citizen Science initiative which since 2016 allows citizens from all over the world to compete with each other to report the greatest number of data on biodiversity, the National Biodiversity Network is promoting a day of meeting between ISPRA experts and citizens at the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve.

City Nature Challenge 2024 – Take part in reporting the flora and fauna around you!
City Nature Challenge 2024 – Take part in reporting the flora and fauna around you!
Apr 27, 2024 — Apr 27, 2024

The City Nature Challenge (CNC) returns from 26 to 29 April 2024, the international citizen science initiative which since 2016 has allowed citizens from all over the world to compete amicably with each other to report the greatest number of data on biodiversity

Effects of climate change in the Po Delta Park area
Effects of climate change in the Po Delta Park area
Apr 22, 2024 09:30 AM — Apr 22, 2024 01:00 PM Ravenna/online

Climate change is progressively accentuating its effects with phenomena that are increasingly significant and impacting on our lives and the environment. The rise in air and sea water temperatures, the increasingly pronounced drought and the recent devastating flood phenomena have affected the inland areas and the coast, decisively affecting the economy and biodiversity in the Po Delta Park area.

The activities of ISPRA and the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano
The activities of ISPRA and the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano
Apr 20, 2024 — Apr 21, 2024 Rome, Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano

The Castelporziano Presidential Estate is a natural area that extends for 6000 hectares and is just a few kilometers from the center of Rome. It is a unique territory, one third covered by one of the few remaining examples of mixed lowland forest. The area is home to many animal species, representing a stopping point for many species of birds. There is also a complex community of wild ungulates: roe deer, wild boar, fallow deer and deer.

II European Raccoon Meeting
II European Raccoon Meeting
Apr 18, 2024 — Apr 20, 2024 Pratovecchio Stia (AR)

The second European Raccoon Meeting will be held from 18 to 20 April 2024 in Pratovecchio Stia. EURORACCOON is a project that aims to bring together researchers and managers working on raccoons on a European scale, covering all aspects of raccoon ecology (general ecology, parasitology and infectious diseases, genetics and genomics, spatial ecology, management tools and strategies) .

ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
Apr 16, 2024 — Apr 21, 2024 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone

From 16 to 21 April 2024 the Rome Science Festival returns to the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone with its 19th edition.

Mistakes and wonders is the theme of this edition, dedicated to the wonder that accompanies every discovery, the engine that pushes scientists to explore, ask questions and question consolidated knowledge, always going further. Wondering, even in the face of crises and problems, is the first step in seeking new answers and solutions, on a path not without missteps, failures and denials, errors.

ISPRA is the scientific partner of the event and promotes a series of initiatives.


16 - 21 april 15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Relitti, rifiuti e biodiversità nelle profondità del Mediterraneo"

16 - 21 april  15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

19 april  18:30

Che tempo farà? Incertezze nelle previsioni metereologiche

20 - 21 april 8:45 e 9:15

Le attività di ISPRA e la Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano
Evento gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria

20 - 21 april 11:00 - 15:30

Laboratorio "Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

21 april ore 11:00

Sottoterra nessuno può sentirti urlare

Posidonia Friend
Posidonia Friend
Apr 12, 2024 — Jun 21, 2024

The municipality of San Vincenzo (LI) is also promoting a project this year on the theme of environment and sustainability which has Posidonia as its protagonist, a marine plant that is very present along the Tuscan coasts and of fundamental importance for the marine ecosystem.
The events will start on Friday 12 April with researchers from the ISPRA headquarters in Livorno who will hold a lesson dedicated to middle school students, and will end on 21 June with an evening open to all: the protagonist will always be Posidonia, a plant to get to know and protect

Between the beach and the seas: stories of birds from the Mare Nostrum
Between the beach and the seas: stories of birds from the Mare Nostrum
Apr 10, 2024 — Apr 10, 2024 Trento, Museo delle Scienze

The Science Museum of Trento is organizing the meeting "Between the beach and the seas: stories of birds of the Mare Nostrum" on April 10th.

The first protagonist of the evening is the Fratino, a small bird that nests on the beach.
For years, ISPRA has been carrying out a study project on the species: thanks to the individual marking activity with rings that can be read from a distance, it has been possible to study the dynamics of the pairs that form every spring-summer; while with the use of miniaturized GPS instruments it was possible to study their movements during nesting and winter, with quite a few surprises.

Biodiversity change in the Anthropocene: research priorities
Biodiversity change in the Anthropocene: research priorities
Apr 10, 2024 — Apr 11, 2024 Fano

An open and dynamic scientific discussion on one of the main problems of our era

The symposium, organized by the CNR, will be an active discussion, fueled by short presentations presented in a dynamic mode, which will favor interaction between participants and the exchange of experiences and visions on the topic in question.

Apr 06, 2024 — Apr 07, 2024 Parco del Sasso Simone and Simoncello

A project of participatory science and immersion in nature

INVISIBILIA is a proposal for immersion in nature to promote knowledge of the Park's habitats. Thanks to the contribution of experts and the collaboration of some scientific research projects, the invisible worlds that make up the Sasso Simone and Simoncello Park will be explored with the aim of collecting useful data for the study and conservation of species of flora, fauna and fungi. The data will be collected through specific instrumentation and the use of the iNaturalist App will be encouraged through which participants will be able to send their reports in the "Biodiversity Project" of the National Biodiversity Network (NNB) of ISPRA.

Roma the city garden
Roma the city garden
Apr 05, 2024 11:00 AM — Apr 05, 2024 01:00 PM Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica "Ennio Morricone"

As part of the Festival of the Green and Landscape Festival which will take place from 5 to 7 April at the Auditorium Parco della Musica "Ennio Morricone", the conference "Rome the garden city" will be held on Friday 5 April.

Rome has a usable ecological heritage of great importance, characterized by a complex system of habitats that includes a vast system of protected natural areas, parks and gardens and historic villas, river floodplains, agricultural areas and urban vegetable gardens.
Its territory is in fact characterized by 22 protected natural areas and 40 historic villas (around 5,000 hectares in total) located both in the central areas and in the more peripheral areas.

The use of dog units in the conservation of biodiversity
The use of dog units in the conservation of biodiversity
Apr 04, 2024 09:30 AM — Apr 04, 2024 01:30 PM Milano, Sede ENCI - Sala Conferenze, via Corsica, 20

The use of dogs for wildlife conservation and management is taking on an increasingly important role, thanks to the abilities of these animals, for example the ability to recognize odors even very diluted in the environment and to investigate large surfaces in a short time. For these reasons, the LIFE Perdix project used dogs to ascertain the reproduction and distribution of Italian partridges released into the Mezzano Valley. The workshop intends to provide an overview of the different topics in which dogs can be efficiently used for the conservation of biodiversity and to propose specific guidelines for their use.