Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Delegation of fishermen and ISPRA researchers of Chioggia in Canada

A week in St. Andrews, Canada, where ISPRA researchers and fishermen of Chioggia have the opportunity to know  a reality where research and fishing collaborate with f success

These days (13-18 May), a delegation of ISPRA researchers and fishermen of Chioggia who  participate at the international project GAP2 is visiting colleagues of St. Andrews, Canada, guests of the Canadian Fisheries Research Network and the Huntsman Marine Science Centre.

Saša Raicevich (ISPRA researcher - Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and Renzo Zennaro (AGCI Fishing, Chioggia, a member of the project GAP2) are visiting some Canadian research institutes born from the collaboration between scientists and fishermen to promote research applied to fisheries incorporating the knowledge and the need of fishermen.

A week of meetings to share of experience between the delegations of the European project GAP2 and the various fishermen's associations and Canadian research institutes, in particular, the Fishermen and Scientists Research Society. This exchange of experiences is part of the international project of participatory research GAP2 ( to create a bridge between fishermen, researchers and stakeholders), which is coordinated by ISPRA in Chioggia, and the participation of fishermen belonging to different local and regional cooperatives and Unimar. The project activities is bringing a series of requests for the rationalization of fishing effort that are formulated by ISPRA researchers and fishermen based on the evidence collected data.

Press release