Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Forum EMAS - Rome, 16 november 2012

The meeting will be held in Rome, at the Press Office of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, in Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44. The dialogue with the public and stakeholders is (together with the continuous improvement of environmental performance) the main objective of the EC Regulation 1221/2009 EMAS, which the general approach is based on sharing, credibility and transparency.

The EMAS Regulation assigns to stakeholders a primary role in cooperation with the Member State and the Competent Bodies for promotion of EMAS, information and diffusion of knowledge of the Regulations and the development of effective tools of promotion.

As announced during the Forum EMAS held in Rome December 12, 2011 the Ecolabel Ecoaudit Committee, with the support of ISPRA, has developed a number of initiatives to renew this relationship , starting thematic groups aimed at sharing the development strategies of the EMAS scheme.

Today's meeting is therefore aims to present to  the results of these consultations in order  to strengthen the constructive dialogue, particularly for directing the strategic future towards greater recognition and incentives for virtuous organizations.



Interventi dei relatori

Introduzione dei lavori

Risultati dei Tavoli Tematici e prospettive di sviluppo delle attività EMAS

Interventi dei partecipanti al Forum

Consegna Premi EMAS Itali 2012

Chiusura dei lavori