Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Effects of the use of stabilized organic fraction in environmental restoration activities

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The stabilized organic fraction (SOF) or compost, which comes from the mechanical-biological treatment plants, represents a significant quote of urban waste. While there are numerous experimental results on the use of agricultural compost, are almost absent evidence on the effects of high intakes of selected organic fractions, mixed with inert uses in landscape and environmental restoration. In particular, there aren't data of the evidence regarding the dynamics of nutrients and possible transport of nitrogen compounds and phosphate to surface waters or groundwater. In this context, this report assesses the use of stabilized organic fraction and gives details of the experiment, carried out by APAT, in a clay pit located on the Appennino Reggiano to improve the characteristics of inert material to form the substrate for growth of herbaceous and woody essences.