Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Ecological networks in the ordinary planning.

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The document, produced in collaboration with the Department of City and Territory, University of Palermo, shows the results of the first national census on the degree of translation of the concept of ecological network in the practice of planning, with particular attention to the Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan. A parallel analysis was conducted on the regional normative reality, because the latter was assigned the task to execite the perimeter of the SIC and ZPS, and the preparation of the management plans for Natura 2000 areas, also because it is the territorial minimum unit able to legislate in this area.
The work starts from the provincial level of analysis, always considered the best to correctly interpret a pragmatic path of ecological network. This choice made it possible to set up a first monitoring on the progress in the implementation of the concept of ecological network in the ordinary planning tools (pre-ordained as permanent) and on the eventual critical aspects that the local government system shows as regards this issue, by returning an appropriate image about the evolution of the specific technical and cultural phenomenon in different contexts of our country.

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