Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Tools for the implementaton of national priority criteria for ranking potentially contaminated sites

ISPRA, as required by the Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06, states that Regional Remediation Plans of Polluted Areas (PRBs) must provide “an order of priority of interventions based on risk assessment criteria defined by ISPRA”. ISPRA priorities has started and concluded the first phase of developing risk assessment criteria as described in detail in the Report 365/2022

The current Report illustrates the first part of the phase 2 activities leading to the definition of the tools for the application, in the different territorial areas, of the priority criteria identified for potentially contaminated sites.

Specifically, this document describes the updated version of the criteria and the related software ROCKS (Risk Ordering for Contamination Key Sites), developed by ISPRA to facilitate the data uploading and the identification of the Relative Risk Index for each site under evaluation.

These tools have been defined with the support of the national Technical Table, including Regions/Autonomous Provices/ARPA/APPA.

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