Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The new web site of the ISPRA networks for monitoring the physical state of the sea is online

From today the new web site of the National Mareographic Network (RMN) and the National Ondametric Network (RON) is online, accessible at the web address: The web site allows to query the databases of tide gauge stations and weather-wave buoys in real time with the possibility of consulting and extracting the observed data of tide levels, wave motion and the main marine weather parameters in the installation locations of the stations measuring machines.

National Focal Point Meeting INFO/RAC

Jun 07, 2023 to Jun 08, 2023 Rome,
Today and tomorrow is taking place in Rome the National Focal Point Meeting  INFO/RAC  with aims to review the progress of the activities, to discuss the new work program and any other relevant issue of the INFO/RAC centre.

The sustainable governance of water in the time of climate change

Jun 16, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM Rome, Hotel Nazionale - Sala Capranichetta,
The EWA Foundation together with the National Council of Geologists (CNG) and the CNG Study Center Foundation organize the conference on the national and international scenario "The sustainable management of water in the time of climate change", which will be held on 16 June 2023 in During the conference there will be the opportunity to deepen the strategies for adaptation and mitigation of hydro-geological risks

Survey on the quality of life in the Alps

The survey conducted by the University of Ljubljana aims to research the quality of life in the Alps. The quality of life includes both the living and material conditions necessary for the inhabitants to survive in a certain area, as well as their subjective perception of such conditions.

The wolf arrives in the EcoAtlas of ISPRA

A new story in the ISPRA EcoAtlas tells the results of the national monitoring of the wolf with infographics, maps and data that photograph, for the biological year of the species 2020-2021, the consistency and distribution of the species in our country. After three years of work, the results of the national monitoring of the wolf coordinated by the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research ISPRA on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security are available in the  EcoAtlante ISPRA ,  the thematic portal that allows to discover, view and share national and local environmental information from PCs, tablets and smartphones.

Sea and Health

Jun 15, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 03:30 PM
Understand and check the connections between the global ocean and human health trough the scientific cooperation and the institutional partnership  The Conference, with the participation of institutions, research bodies and the third sector involved in the protection of aquatic and marine environments, intends to strengthen the actions that Italy is promoting at national and international level, in the perspective of "planetary health" and "one water”, towards the realization of the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030. The event is structured in a first part focused on the actions of the central institutions with respect to environmental protection and a second part dedicated to research and communication, in which the «SEA-CARE» project will also be presented, in partnership with ISS-SNPA-MM and some Universities, and the actions of PNRR MER – Marine Ecosystem Restoration ,   Restoration, carried out by ISPRA, under the vision of MASE

Only One Earth

Jun 05, 2023 Assisi,
The Inter University Center for the Environment (CIPLA) - University of Perugia organizes a day of study and analysis on the theme established by the United Nations Organization to celebrate World Environment Day (WMD). World Environmental Day is a celebration proclaimed by the UN in 1972 during the Stockholm Conference, where the first environmental protection program was established. The stable date is June 5, the first celebration took place in 1974 under the title "Only One Earth".

ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna: joint inspection to verify the state of health of the replanting of Posidonia in Porto Torres

May 18, 2023 Porto Torres,
On May 18, the technicians of ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna were together in the Gulf of Asinara to monitor the manually transplanted Posidonia oceanica meadow. The transplant started in October 2022 and ended in March 2023, involving a final surface area of ​​11,500 m2 (7,000 m2 net). It is an environmental compensation work prescribed for the expansion works of the Civic Port of Porto Torres, by the VIA Decree n. 35 of 06/02/2018.

Urban Geology Workshop 2023

Jun 06, 2023 to Jun 08, 2023 Philippines,
ISPRA participates on behalf of the Urban Geology Expert Group (UGEG) of  EuroGeoSurveys  at the Urban Geology Workshop 2023 organized by "Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia ( CCOP )", the  Geological Survey of Korea KIGAM   and by   Mines and Geoscience Bureau of Philippines , and which is taking place these days in Davao City (Philippines). The workshop entitled "Understanding and Mitigating Subsidence Hazards in Urban Areas" focuses in general on geological hazards in urban areas, with particular reference to problems relating to subsidence.

World Environment Day

Jun 05, 2023
The 2023 theme chosen by UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, is: #BeatPlasticPollution and aims to remind us how important everyone's actions are to combat plastic pollution. More than 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced worldwide each year, half of which is designed for one-time use. Of these, less than 10% is recycled. It is estimated that 19-23 million tons end up in lakes, rivers and seas each year. Microplastics – tiny particles of plastic up to 5 mm in diameter – make their way into food, water and the air. Discarded or burned single-use plastic harms human health and biodiversity, and pollutes every ecosystem, from mountaintops to the ocean floor.

Regional Conference on Water

Jun 19, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM Florence,
Institutional representatives but also the main subjects involved in the protection of water, will discuss to deepen and analyze, also thanks to the collateral events of the Conference, all the issues connected to the water resource: drought, the possibilities of reusing purified water and the risk hydrogeological.

DD-day 2023: World day against desertification and drought

Jun 16, 2023 Sassari/Online,
In Sassari, the Department of Agriculture and the Desertification Research Unit of the University in collaboration with the Institute for the Sustainable Protection of Plants (Cnr-Ipsp), DesertNet International (DNI), the Global Network of Dryland Research Institutes (GNDRI ) and under the patronage of the UNCCD, will celebrate DD-day 2023 with an international event that will involve the world of research and civil society committed against desertification and land degradation.

Mid-term conference of the European project PanAfGeo-2

May 15, 2023
ISPRA participated, together with the project partners, in the mid-term conference of the European project PanAfGeo-2 , organized in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. The results of the project activities, especially training courses on geosciences for young African geologists, were illustrated to representatives of the European Union, Organization of African Geological Surveys (OAGS), UNESCO and other organizations involved. The opening and closing ceremonies of the conference were attended by the Hon. Pierre Oba, Minister of State and Minister of Mines, Industry and Geology who underlined the importance and positive impact of PanAfGeo-2 on scientific cooperation and the exchange of knowledge between Africa and Europe.

Wild waterbirds and type A influenza

Researchers from the University of Bologna and ISPRA collaborate in writing an editorial which comments on recent research findings about the ecology and interspecies transmission mechanisms of type A influenza viruses.

Towards the Regional Strategy for adaptation to Climate Change starting from the results of the Adriaclim project

Jun 08, 2023 Università Iuav of Venice,
The Workshop will describe the project activities carried out in the Veneto region by Arpav, ISPRA, the University of Venice Iuav and Ca' Foscari, the City of Venice, Cnr-Ismar and Azienda Ulss 3 Serenissima. The results of the project will provide the knowledge basis for defining the Regional Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Veneto region.

The Vice Mayor of the city of Chengdu in ISPRA with a delegation

Jun 08, 2023 Rome, ISPRA headquarters,
On June 8, a Chinese delegation from the city of Chengdu took visited ISPRA. The delegation led by the Vice Mayor that included managers and officials of the Chengdu municipal administration and the Academy of Environmental Sciences discussed aspects related to drought, climate change and air quality with ISPRA experts. Chengdu city in the Sichuan province in southwest China is one of the most important economic centers in the country and has about 20 million inhabitants.

Innovation for Drought and Agriculture

Jun 19, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Rome, Fao / Online,
On the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17 June - an event will take place on 19 June, organized as part of the activities set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by FAO with the Italian Research Institutes - ENEA, CNR, CREA and ISPRA - with the aim of improving sustainable food production and nutrition in developing countries.