Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Quaternary geology and paleoseismology in the Fucino and L’Aquila basins

6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology Pescina (AQ) - Italy

This 2 days-long field trip aims at exploring field evidence of active tectonics, paleoseismology and Quaternary geology in the Fucino and L’Aquila intermountain basins and adjacent areas, within the inner sector of Central Apennines, characterized by extensional tectonics since at least 3 Ma. Each basin is the result of repeated strong earthquakes over a geological time interval, where the 1915 and 2009 earthquakes are only the latest seismic events recorded respectively in the Fucino and L’Aquila areas. Paleoseismic investigations have found clear evidence of several past earthquakes in the Late Quaternary to Holocene period. Active tectonics has strongly imprinted also the long-term landscape evolution, as clearly shown by numerous geomorphic and stratigraphic features.
Due to the very rich local historical and seismological database, and to the extensive Quaternary tectonics and earthquake geology research conducted in the last decades by several Italian and international teams, the area visited by this field trip is today one of the best studied paleoseismological field laboratories in the world. The Fucino and L’Aquila basins preserve excellent exposures of earthquake environmental effects (mainly surface faulting), their cumulative effect on the landscape, and their interaction with the urban history and environment.
This is therefore a key region for understanding the role played by earthquake environmental effects in the Quaternary evolution of actively deforming regions, also as a major contribution to seismic risk mitigation strategies.

DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2016.02

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Technical Periodicals
(Periodici Tecnici) Geological Field Trips and Maps
8 (1.2)/2016