Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



New phase of CARG project

After almost 20 years, the project restarts with the aim to mapping the whole Italian territory. Thanks to the funding provided by the the Budget Law 160/2019, 15 million euros have been allocated for the period 2020-2022. A project started in 1989, which finally will continue to implement the geological cartography of Italy, now at 45% of the total coverage.  

Approved the Carta of Bellagio

Last 4 December the 34th Plenary Session of the EPA Network unanimously approved the Carta of Bellagio After the approval, the general director of ISPRA declared "With the Carta of Bellagio , thanks to the collaboration between ISPRA and the Environment European Agency, a system for monitoring the circular economy at European level has been realized. A work of months among European agencies has led, also listening to the production system, to build a scheme to be able to measure the quality of the processes of the circular economy. ISPRA, after being included in the control room for the bioeconomy in Italy, joins the group of leading European agencies for the circular economy. We have had important recognition of the work carried out in these two years as members of the Management Board of the European Agency with whom we will continue to work side by side to help Europe's ecological transition".

Circular economy - IV Study National Day

Dec 11, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 07:00 PM Event on line,
Growth scenarios for Regions and Local Authorities. Legal and economic profiles The IV edition of the  study day on the circular economy will be held next 11 December, organized by the Environmental Forensic Chamber in cooperation with RemTech Expo. The general director of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti, is participating at the meeting.

Scientific meeting on pollinating insects, food safety, health and art

Dec 18, 2020 from 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM
With the patronage of the Argentine Embassy in Italy and the technical assistance of Casa Argentina, the Biological Sciences and Health Commission of the Network of Argentine Researchers in Italy (RCAI) is organizing a meeting dedicated to pollinators, currently threatened by numerous dangers.

Great success for the National Geographic Festival of Sciences

Over two million users have virtually participated in the 15th edition  A huge audience of over 2 million users have followed circa 130 events of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, produced by the Musica per Roma Foundation with the cultural partnership of Codice Edizioni, which for a week analyzed the connections and relationships between Optimism and Science, the main theme of the 15th edition, totaling approximately 300.000 views between Facebook and YouTube direct for a total of 8.500 hours of video content playback.

Presentation "Recycling in Italy. Report 2020"

Dec 10, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
The annual report on waste recycling and recovery, produced by the Foundation for Sustainable Development and FISE UNICIRCULAR, achieves this year its eleventh. The Report presentation event, organized with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and ISPRA, will be held on 10 December 2020 in live streaming, from 10.00 to 12.30.

Presentation of the Report Ecomafia 2020

Dec 11, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
The stories and numbers of environmental crimes in Italy On 11 December Legambiente will present the annual report regarding to environmental illegalities. For over twenty-five years the research has been carried out in cooperation with all the law enforcement agencies (Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate, Carabinieri Arma, Financial Police, State Police, Forestry Corps of the Regions with special statute), with the Port Authorities and with other judicial police bodies such as Customs and Monopoly Agencies.

World Soil Day 2020

Soil4Life - the essential is invisible to the eyes World Soil Day is celebrated on 5 December, an anniversary that focuses on the important role of sustainable soil management and its state of health. According to ISPRA data, in only seven years in Italy the degraded soil increased  by more than 70 sq km and land consumption growth at a rate of 2 sq m per second. In order to spread more awareness, ISPRA, within the Soil4life project , has produced a video to understand the importance of this fundamental resource, named "Soil matters!".

Presentation of the white book on environmental communication

Dec 15, 2020 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
Tomorrow 15 december it will be presented in streaming live the " White book on environmental communication ". Environmental communication investigated - for the first time, with a multidisciplinary methodological approach - in its complexity, from training and professional recognition processes to instrumental equipment.

Hearing on the environmental impacts of mining

Dec 16, 2020 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
On Wednesday 16 December, in work of  the Ecomafia Commission there will be an hearing on the environmental impacts of mining that which also attended by the general director of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti and an expert from the Institute.

Companies for the Carta of Spoleto

Dec 18, 2020 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM Online event,
The good practices of public bodies and private companies for the signing of "Carta of Spoleto against climate change". As part of the Weather Spoleto 2020 event, the workshop for the signing of the “Carta di Spoleto” will be held on 18 December.

ISPRA publishes the Municipal Waste Report 2020 edition

Recycling waste: +3.1 percentage points in one year. The South exceeds 50%, Treviso the most virtuous city with 86.9%. Less disposal in landfills but not in the Center (+ 19.4%). Management: still far from the new European targets. The Edition 2020 of the Municipal Waste Report provides data (reference year 2019) concerning municipal waste generation, separate collection and management at national, regional and provincial level as well as data on import/export of municipal waste. Furthermore, data on packaging waste management, costs of the municipal waste management service and tariff scheme implementation in 2019 are reported. Finally, the Report presents an up-to-date (year 2020) survey on the implementation of territorial waste management plans. Municipal waste produced in Italy in 2019 amounted to about 30 million tons, a slight decrease compared to 2018 by 0.3% (-80 thousand tons). Increase only in northern Italy, with almost 14.4 million tons of waste, by 0.5% compared to 2018, while it is decreasing in the Center (-0.2%) with about 6.6 million tons and South (-1.5%) with 9.1 million tons. Each Italian citizen, in a year, produced about 500 kilograms of waste.

European rivers are fragmented by more than one million barriers

ISPRA has participated in a study on barriers on European rivers published in the magazine Nature Europe's rivers are fragmented due to more than a million barriers (e.g. dams), according to an overall assessment published in Nature this week. The study includes the monitoring of more than 2,700 km of waterways, from which it can be assumed that the number of reefs in Europe is underestimated by 61%.

LIFE Sic2Sic project: objectives, activities and results achieved

The  Project LIFE SIC2SIC , co-financed by the EU under the LIFE program, has achieved its conclusion. The projects aimed to design a communication campaign in order to strengthen and promote an active and conscious participation of students, citizens, institutions and businesses in the economic and social protection and enhancement of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 network sites (RN2000).  

Presentation Municipal Waste Report edition 2020

Dec 29, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
On 29 December at 10 am live on the web site Ricicla TV ISPRA will present the Municipal Waste Report edition 2020 Now in its twenty-second edition, the report is the result of a complex activity of data collection, analysis and processing in implementation of a specific institutional task provided for by art. 189 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006

Published the Technical Guide "Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA)"

This Technical Guide, drafted by ISPRA for the General direction of fisheries and aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, is a practical tool to facilitate the understanding of the processes for the identification and allocation of marine areas to aquaculture as well as to facilitate the identification and selection of new sites taking into account existing constraints, multiple pressures, maritime uses, the state of the marine environment and the carrying capacity of marine ecosystems. It provides advanced knowledge and tools to Regions and coastal municipalities to support the decision-making process for planning new zones for aquaculture development and to integrate Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) in the Maritime Spatial Plans, according to the principles of the FAO Ecosystem Approach  to Aquaculture (EAA)

Life SEPOSSO project: educational kit

The project LIFE SEPOSSO  has collected all the materials and experiences produced during 2 years of meeting, lessons and games with more than 1.500 young people to make them available for all the public.

National report on pesticides in waters published by ISPRA

The Report provides information on the presence of residues of plant protection products in surface water and groundwater. The 2017-2018 monitoring results are presented in terms of the recovery frequency and concentrations distribution, the levels of contamination obtained by comparison with the environmental quality standards are assessed. The trend of contamination is analyzed and the most critical substances and the phenomenon of poly-exposure are examined. Finally, the regulatory framework is placed in relation to the need to reduce impacts on the environment.