Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The emission in atmosphere in Italy

Apr 21, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Videoconference,
Videoconference, 21 april The trend of national greenhouse gas emissions. Focus on emissions from agriculture and livestock. The contribution of indirect effect gases and particulates matter. Next 21 April, ISPRA will presents a videoconference that describe the emission trend in Italy: a global and detailed picture of the Italian situation on the trend of greenhouse gases from 1990 to 2018, a preliminary estimate for 2019 and some considerations on the first quarter of 2020 An in-depth analysis on the main emissive activities of the agriculture sector and to the  mitigation systems will follow. The day includes also final analysis of the other gases that have an effect on the climate but also on air pollution in the strict sense, up to the particulate matter, also considering in this case the historical series from 1990 to 2018 and focusing the main drivers that influenced the trends analyzed.

Postponed: Fifth Day of Geology and History - The ancient cartographic representation of the territory and geomorphological processes

Apr 08, 2020 Roma, Società Geografica Italiana, Villa Celimontana,
Roma, 8 april The Department for the Geological Service of Italy - ISPRA, the Italian Geographic Society and SIGEA propose a study-day on "The ancient cartographic representation of the territory and geomorphological processes". It would be analyzed the evolution of cartography and the representation of the territory from antiquity to the present day and we will come to discuss the use of new techniques for analyzing the territory.