Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Green Week 2009

EU Green Week

Brussels, June 23-26 The Green Week, the usual appointment for discussion on crucial european environmental issues, this year will be entirely devoted to climate change, particularly in view of the forthcoming negotiations to reach the post-Kyoto global agreement and prepare for the 15th UNFCCC COP in Copenhagen, December. The Green Week 2009 cycle of conferences is structured on four topics: the EU climate policies, the international dimension, to live with climate change and the "Vision 2050: a carbon-free society." The discussions and exchanges of experiences that will arise from this major conference will face the issue of climate change from different points of view: the need to achieve a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by mid century, to make our economies "climate-proof" and therefore exempt from the impacts of climate change and the need to address the issue in a comprehensive approach.