Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The biologist Francesco Velatta awarded with the "anello d'oro"

Recognition of the National Bird Ringing Center

2 March Recognition of the National Bird Ringing Center
The "anello d'oro" (gold ring), the recognition given by the National Bird Ringing Center of ISPRA to a biologist "who has distinguished himself in his work" goes to Francesco Velatta, working in the Province of Perugia. The award was given during the National Ringing Conference held in Gaeta on February 24 and 25. The technique of ringing is a research methodology which has been used for over a century and is based and consists in the placement of a lightweight metal ring of the paw of the birds. This allows to register measurements in reference to sex, age, weight, length of tarsus and so on. Captured using non-traumatic techniques, examined, tagged and immediately released, the birds continue their existence, while researchers can track their movements and reconstruct their history of life.