Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environment, development and...happiness

Meeting with Mr. Lorenzo Ciccarese, ISPRA expert

Rome, 'Assaggi science bookshop, 18 January 2011

The iper-specialitazion, as a huge Babel tower, has produced experts of single knowledge and matters that offer different measures to face planet problem, which often are in contrast each other, incapable to catch the complexity of the problem and the interaction between economy, environment and quality life. How is possible reconcile the economist receipts to produce more and more to fight poverty and unemployment and environmentalist which say to consume less to to face the environmental problem (climate change,biodiversity loss)? Together with Mr. Leonardo Becchetti and Mr. Lorenzo Ciccarese (ISPRA) will be debate how is possible overcome these paradoxes in an integrated vision to move versus the target of a 'happiness' models suistainable for the environment and economy.