Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Started the communication campaign “Let's Circulate - Your actions matter”

Two commercials on the fight against food waste and correct separate waste collection

In fact, from 16 October, on TV, on social media and on digital channels, the communication campaign "Let's Circulate - Your actions matter", created by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and ISPRA, will begin.
The campaign is made up of two commercials, focused on the fight against food waste and correct separate waste collection, the objective of which is to raise citizens' awareness towards more sustainable consumption behaviours, a concept highlighted by the unique claim "Your actions matter" which recalls the possibility , for each consumer, to do a lot, in terms of environmental sustainability, through small daily habits.

Both commercials, in an ironic and light way, with a persuasive tone and through common actions - a family dinner in which there is food left over, a little girl who runs out of water in the bathroom, a young man who throws waste in the wrong bin, a dog who barks at the sight of disappearing objects - highlight the cause-effect relationship between incorrect behavior and correct practices.

In the commercial on food waste, the images illustrate how much the food thrown away has cost in terms of energy and human work. The reflection is that not only food is thrown away, but everything behind its production.

In the commercial on correct separate waste collection, the images tell us how many objects can still be built with recyclable materials.

The commercials were created and produced by The Washing Machine Italia.