Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Drought, land degradation and desertification in Italy and in the world

The conference "Drought, land degradation and desertification in Italy and in the World" will be held next 26 August from 14.30 to 17.30 at the Italian Pavilion of Expo Milano.

Scientists, politicians, businessmen and  people of civil society will participate to debate the phenomenon of the deserts advancement in Mediterranean Europe and the risks for humans being and the environment.

The event is part of the scientific events organized by the National Research Council for Expo organized in collaboration with ENEA, ISPRA AND CREA.

The conference participation will guarantee a free ticket for the Expo, so confirmation of adhesion  is required to be sent to the following address:

The ticket will be sent with email by 08/24/2015.

Further information
