Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


G20 Environment and Climate Ministers meeting in Indonesia

As part of the activities of the G20 in 2022, chaired by Indonesia, on 31 August 2022 the meeting of the Ministers of the Environment and Climate (Joint Environment and Climate Minister's Meeting ( JECMM) 2022), preceded on 29 and 30 August by the meeting of the two G20 working groups on environmental issues (Environment Deputies Meeting) and on climate sustainability (Climate Sustainability Working Group), which will work in parallel in the 3rd EDM-CSWG.

The Environment Working Group works on the outline prepared by the Presidency which sees three priority themes and their various declinations, according to the scheme:

  1. Supporting a more sustainable recovery, articulated in land degradation, halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity, integrated and sustainable management of water resources, efficiency in the use of resources and circular economy.
  2. Enhance land and sea actions to support environmental protection and climate goals, articulated in marine litter, ocean conservation based on marine ecosystem restoration and blue economy.
  3. Improving resource mobilization to support environmental protection and climate goals, centered on sustainable finance with the aim of improving the Roadmap of the Working Group on Sustainable Finance for Nature Financing

The Climate Sustainability Working Group work following this scheme:

  1. Support a more sustainable resilient and inclusive recovery, underlining the need to accelerate the implementation of reduction commitments to address the transition and achieve climate neutrality by mid-century
  2. Strengthen actions on the territory and in the oceans to support environmental protection and climate objectives
  3. Strengthen the mobilization of resources to support environmental protection and climate objectives

Within the Italian delegation for the Environment Working Group and for the Ministerial G20 Environment and Climate, also 2 ISPRA experts in presence and remotely.