Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment

ISPRA has signed the Agreement on the reform of research evaluation

The Agreement is the result of work involving more than 350 organizations from over 40 countries.

Already signed in Italy by many universities, by the CNR, by ANVUR, the Agreement establishes a shared direction for changing research evaluation practices and includes the principles, commitments and timetable for the necessary reforms.

The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and research performing organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research. The Agreement includes the principles, commitments and timeframe for reforms and lays out the principles for a Coalition of organisations willing to work together in implementing the changes.

Signatories commit to a common vision, which is that the assessment of research, researchers and research organisations recognises the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research. This requires basing assessment primarily on qualitative judgement, for which peer-review is central, supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators.

The reform movement underpinned by the Agreement and the Coalition aims to be an inclusive and collaborative space to advance together towards a higher quality, more impactful and more efficient and inclusive research system. It offers a platform for piloting and experimentation, developing new assessment criteria, methods and tools, and for joint, critical reflection, exchange of good practices and mutual learning, while fully respecting the autonomy of organisations.

ISPRA will evaluate the steps to be taken to implement the commitments, the pace of their reform path and the strategic objectives to be achieved.