Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


International day for the Mediterranean sea

The International Day of the Mediterranean Sea is celebrated on 8 July, an opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers that threaten the Mediterranean Sea.
According to ISPRA, over 240 alien species have been identified in this, 68% of which are now stable along our coasts. More than 70% of marine litter is deposited on the Italian seabed, of which 77% is plastic. On the beaches, with an average of 400 waste every 100 meters, the situation is no better. In the Mediterranean, more than 63% of sea turtles have ingested plastic. But the actions for sustainability are bearing fruit: fish stocks, while remaining overfished, in 6 years go from 85% to 75%.

Guarda il documentario

On 7 and 8 July, the "Ocean Decade Laboratories" are held, an event promoted by the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. ISPRA, on 8 July presents the traveling exhibition  “The colors of the Mediterranean”.

Watch the spot produced by ISPRA: Deep colors of the Mediterranean