Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ARTES 5.0 – Restart Italy

The “ARTES 5.0 – Restart Italy” project is funded under the Digital Europe Program, European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01), the European program which aims to promote the adoption of digital technologies, in particular Artificial Intelligence and robotics and foster human-centred values ​​of sustainability and resilience.

The project, coordinated by Artes 4.0 ADVANCED ROBOTICS AND ENABLING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES & SYSTEMS, involves various Italian companies as partners, including ISPRA. The Institute is involved in WP 6 and in particular in task 6.3 "Do No Significant Harm monitoring (DNSH) and Open Ecological Transition" which provides for the definition, collection, organization and publication of environmental monitoring indicators to verify the impact of services provided by the project according to the principle of DNSH and ecological transition. ISPRA will provide training services related to access to national and European environmental data, also in GIS, and services to support the assessment of compliance with the DNSH principle for the services of the project partners.

The following deliverables are foreseen in WP 6:

D6.1 ARTES 5.0 monitoring framework
D6.2 Interim impact evaluation and recommendation report, including worker's safety and health
D6.3 Final impact evaluation and recommendation report, including worker's safety and health