Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ECCA CONFERENCE 2015 - The European Climate Change Adaptation Conference - Copenaghen, 12-14 May 2015

The European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) will take place in Copenaghen on 12-14 May 2015. It's the second edition of one of the most important confereces dedicated to climate change adaptation. The first edition was held in Amburgo in 2013, with the participation of more than 700 researchers and professionals.

The conference will address a wide range of topics such as:
· Risk assessment
· Economics of adaptation
· Governance of adaptation
· Adaptation strategies and planning
· Innovations for climate safe developments
· Transitioning to decarbonized societies
· Reconciling mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development
· Practical experiences and lessons from adaptation efforts
· Adaptation in cities and strategic economic sectors
· Smart cities of the future
· Business opportunities and Public-Private Partnerships for adaptation
· Adaptation technologies
· Climate-proofing of infrastructures and investments
· Examples of adaptation (Case studies) and involvement of citizens and civil society
· Site visits of adaptation demonstration projects in Copenhagen
· Science, policy, practitioners and business interaction

The event is organized with the support of three European research projects on Climate Change Adaptation (BASE, RAMSES e TopDad). ISPRA is research partnen in the BASE project  ( and will chair the session "Economic Instruments of Adaptation" (Chair: Alessio Capriolo)

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