Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Meeting of the National Council of the National System Environmental Protection (SNPA)

Today it was held the first meeting of the SNPA under the Presidency of dr. Laporta, ISPRA new-president

The new-president mr. Laporta, after thanking his predecessors, mr. Bernardo De Bernardinis and mr. Walter Ganapini, and after having invited the ARPAs DG to extend his greeting to the eleven thousand employees of the Agencies, has emphasized the highlights of his presidency. Authority, credibility, and strength of the scientific institution are the basic foundation on which the system has to move, that working collectively, will be allow to grow more and provide the country with adequate levels of environmental protection.  Discuss concretely the LEPTA (standards of environmental monitoring) and fulfill the tasks required by the European Union, in accordance with the provisions of Law 132 (SNPA), is the goal set by Laporta addressed to the ARPA DGs : "Our task It is fundamental - said the new president - that it is the protection of the environment. The citizens are asking for this, l Europe and the national institutions are asking for this. We are a technical and scientific body and we have to act like that".