Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Together to learn about bees

ISPRA - Educational project

Bracciano, April 20 The start up of the educational project "Together to learn about bees" will take place today, at the farm "Sabrina Casaccia" in Bracciano. The initiative, part of the program "Caring Educating Relating to the Bees" (C.E.R.A.), coordinated by ISPRA, provides a series of educational activities aimed at primary school classes, with a tour in the didactic apiary, managed by the Association for Assistance and Social Integration (A.A.I.S.) - non-profit organization, which has been working for many years to promote the social integration of people with disabilities. During the days of visit, children will have the chance to learn about the fascinating world of bees. They will be accompanied by some guys of the  A.A.I.S. association, who have received appropriate training throuugh the course "APIABILI’. The underlying theme of the project is, ultimately, to communicate the value of diversity and relationship in both the environmental and social dimension, through the example represented by the community of bees.