Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ECURIE Exercise 2015 Nuclear emergency International test

The  nuclear emergency ECURIE Exercise 2015 was held last  13 and 14 October, organized by the European Commission in the whole of the European System 'Early warning Notification' and 'Fast exchange'  of information  in case of an emergency. This system was set up after the accident at the Chernobyl, with the objective to allow rapid alerting of European countries in the case of such event.

The exercise this year assumed the hypothesis  of an accident at the nuclear plant of Chernavoda, Romania, followed by an earthquake measuring magnitude 7 which had increasead the consequences.

ISPRA, has participated activating its 'Nuclear Emergency Center' with the experts of the Department of Nuclear Technological and Industrial Risk, who carried out  the exercise with the operating system support for the management of radiological emergencies.