Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Note on national repository of radioactive waste

On January 2 ISPRA received from SO.GIN S.p.A. the proposal of the National Charter of Areas Potentially Eligible (CNAPI) for the location of the National storage of radioactive waste.
In the 60 days required by law, the Institute will carry out a coherent assessment with the criteria of the Technical Guide no. 29 "Criteria for the location of a surface disposal facility for radioactive waste low and medium activity", issued in June 2014 and following the criteria of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), together with a validation of cartographic results.
ISPRA will also produce a report which will be transmitted to the competent ministries (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economic Development) on the basis of which, in the next 30 days, these Ministries could communication to SO.GIN their approval (with any findings) to the  publication of the Charter as specified in paragraph 3 of article. 27 of  Decreto Legislativo nr. 31/2010, as amended.

Within two months of the publication the SO.GIN, in a process of transparency and participation, will promote a national seminar which will be invited all the stakeholders and then , taking into account the results of the seminar itself, may submit, within 60 days, the final proposal of the Charter to be finally approved by the competent ministries, after heard the opinion of ISPRA by further 60 days.