Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Young knowledge about ionizing radiation

Presentation of the volume

Roma, June 15, Centro Congressi d'Ateneo, via Salaria 113

On the proposal of the Department of Communication and Social Research of Sapienza University of Rome, the Department of Nuclear, Technological and Industrial Risk of ISPRA has organized with the same Department and in collaboration with the Directorate of Environmental Assessment of MATTM, a seminar to present the book " Young knowledge about ionizing radiation. " In addition to academic representatives (pro-rector and heads of department), will partecipate Director General of the DVA MATTM, the Director General ISPRA and ing. Roberto Mezzanotte, who was formerly Director of the Department of Nuclear, Technological and Industrial Risk, and has played an important role in preparing and conducting the research-intervention on  this volume. The editors and some authors of the book will explained the structure, methods used, key results and lessons learned.