Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


XXVIII plenary meeting EPA (Environment Protection Agencies) Network

From Tomorrow until 7 April it will be held in Rome the XXVIII plenary meeting of the EPA ( Environment Protection Agencies) Network, established in 2003 to be a network for the General Director of National Agency for Environmental Protection and similar Public Institutions, in strong cooperation with DG Environment of European Commission and also other networks, included IMPEL and ENCA. At the event will participate more than 30 environmental organizations, the Italian Ministry of Environment Gian Luca Galletti and the Vice Major of Rome Luca Bergamo

The meeting, organized by ISPRA, has as its main focus the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

The aim of the network is to share opinions and points of view and environmental cooperation on key issues that are priorities : from implementation to environmental policies, monitoring and evaluation of environmental state, from communication to  the strengthen the science-based approach in  decision making concerning environmental matters.

As a side event meeting  it was held the 5 April the first meeting of 2017 of the Better Regulation Interest Group, the working group which aims to support the effective implementation of European environmental policies.

Press release