Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Plastic Busters MPAs - Info Day

Apr 21, 2022 Rome, Centro Congressi Cavour,
Plastic Busters MPAs  is an Interreg Med funded project aiming to maintain biodiversity and preserve natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal marine protected areas by consolidating Mediterranean efforts against marine litter.

Discover and photograph the geosites of the Italian Regions

Photo contest The Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) - APS and ISPRA, in order to promote the knowledge and enhancement of geosites, places of geological interest, and geological landscapes of the Italian regions, announce the 2021/2022 edition of the photo contest aimed at upper secondary school students.

On the road to sustainability: hydrogen destination

Apr 28, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Terni,
The role of hydrogen will be decisive in the energy transition process to decarbonise the so-called 'hard to abate' sectors, such as heavy industry, road transport of goods and, in a second phase, also shipping and aviation. A recognized role of Europe with its strategy for H2, and also of Italy, which has allocated over 3.5 billion euros in PNRR for the development of this sector.

The new issue of the online periodical "Innovations for environmental sustainability" is online

The number 1/2022 of the periodical "Innovations for environmental sustainability" is available on the website of the  GELSO database (Local Management for Environmental Sustainability). The upcoming issue is dedicated to the topic of indoor air quality and analyzes some initiatives to identify the causes of the spread of pollutants in indoor air and possible interventions aimed at reducing their presence, with specific reference to school buildings.

Presentation of the Volume olfactory harassment

Apr 20, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Rome, CNR Aula Marconi, Viale Aldo Moro 7,
Studies, methods and tools for control Among the problems that characterize the living and working environment, olfactory harassment is often underestimated. The emissions that cause this harassment derive from a multiplicity of sources, which are accompanied by incorrect process management or reduced efficiency of the abatement systems.

The Plastic Busters MPAs - Capitalization Conference

Apr 12, 2022 to Apr 13, 2022 Athens,
Plastic Busters MPAs is an Interreg Med funded project aiming to maintain biodiversity and preserve natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal marine protected areas by consolidating Mediterranean efforts against marine litter.

Advancing the research for the conservation of Sea Turles in the Mediterranean Sea: study on the seasonal niche of the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) in the Adriatic and Ionian seas

Although Caretta caretta is the most common marine turtle in the Mediterranean Sea, its distribution is relatively difficult to assess due to a lack of data especially in offshore waters. To identify the key factors and the most important areas for the conservation of the species, a recent study investigated the ecological niche of the loggerhead turtle in the crucial area of ​​the Adriatic-Ionian Sea, highlighting the priorities for the species in the reproductive period of April-September and in the winter one.

Tales of Biodiversity - The seeds

ISPRA with the aim to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Convention on Biological Diversity has produced 6 video episodes, in which we explain to children what fantastic stories nature can tell us in its micro and macro representations. The videos are aimed at a very wide audience, of all ages. And that is why we asked a 10-year-old child to act as an intermediary with the world of adults. In the first episode, we relied on the creative exuberance of Beti Piotto who, through fascinating stories about the reality of nature, leads us into the variegated world of seeds.

A new buoy of the National Wave Network (RON) installed off the coast of Venice

On March 15, a new RON buoy was launched about 8 miles off the coast of Venice. The buoy was moored near the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Platform, in order to compare the wave measurements of the buoy with a sophisticated and advanced optical measurement system of the waves during storm surges of Bora and Scirocco that the CNR ISMAR of Venice has tested and exported to various international institutions


Apr 22, 2022
Scientists (and) mad On the occasion of World Earth Day, April 22nd, the third edition of #OnePeopleOnePlanet - The Multimedia Marathon will take place, the event born in 2020 in time of pandemic, which has now become one of the most significant appointments for the protection of the planet in Italy. It consists of 13 hours of television relay carried out in the framework of an impressive media partnership with RAI, which will broadcast the live broadcast of the event on the RaiPlay digital channel, involving the best journalists and some live programs of the RAI platform, in this important advertising campaign. awareness raising. Two ISPRA researchers will analize the research on the state of Mediterranean waters, as part of the Marine Strategy of the European Union, with interesting insights into the technological progress that robotics is bringing to submarine research. Further information

Maritime Open Data & Creativity

Apr 20, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
On April 20, an ISPRA researcher will participate in the Maritime Open Data & Creativity workshop, organized as part of the celebrations for the World Week of Creativity and Innovation, an event recognized by the United Nations which takes place between April 15, the day of birth of Leonardo Da Vinci and April 21, World Day of Creativity and Innovation.

Wolf and large carnivores conquering the Po Valley

Apr 23, 2022 Argenta - FE,
"Wolves and large carnivores to conquer the Po Valley" is the title of the 2022 national conference of the Large Carnivores Group of the Italian Alpine Club, which will be held on Saturday 23 April. Focus on the recent and rapid expansion of the wolf and other predators towards the more populated areas of the territory. The causes of these displacements are due to the fact that in various mountain areas the wolf has reached an optimal density in relation to food availability. The consequence is that the scattered specimens (ie single wolves not belonging to the packs) head down, following the ecological corridors and the olfactory trails of the preys.

Soil protection is connected with a clean agriculture

Apr 27, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Roma, Arancera dell'Orto Botanico,
A quarter of our planet's biodiversity is found in the soil. But the health of the soil is threatened by human activity, among other things, by agriculture that does not respect its natural cycles.

Tales of Biodiversity - The sea

In this third episode in the world of biodiversity, Jacopo would like to have information on the marine ecosystem and meets the marine biologist Cecilia Silvestri, who has been dealing with microplastics and the protection of sea turtles for years. Starting from the story of the little turtle Carrie, we wonder about the conditions in which our seas, the inhabitants who populate it and what concrete actions we can do to protect it.

Public consultation of the Biodiversity National Strategy

The national strategy represent a tool which Italy aims to contribuite to the international target to achieve by 2050 all the ecosystem of the planet are restored, resilient and adequately protected. In order to guarantee the widest participation, the public consultation of the “ National Biodiversity Strategy 2030 ” is open.

Bridging the gap: a bridge between biology and society conservation

May 05, 2022 to May 06, 2022 Napoli, Museo Darwin Dohrn – Stazione Zoologia Anton Dohrn,
The conference is the launch event of the Italian Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology, the event aims to address the problem of the representation of the scientific community in the Italian environmental policy, bringing together researchers and academics active in conservation biology, promoting a science closer to citizens