Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Report on the course "Recognizing the main habitat typologies in the Eastern Alps"

From the 31st of August to the 4 th of September 2020  a course on the field about recognizing the main typologies of habitat in the eastern Alps took place in Trentino.

The course has been organized by ISPRA on the initiative of dr. Lucilla Laureti of the BIO-SOST Service, referent of the "Carta della Natura "project  in that section of the alpine range.

The task was to carry out a formative activity addressed to the Ispra technical staff employed in the "Carta della natura " department, who are now about to produce the map of the habitats of the alpine biogeographic region, in order to:
-focus on the geographic, climatic and ecologic aspects of the eastern Alps;
-observe on the field the main features of the landscapes, of the habitats and of the vegetation.
- discuss certain problems about the framing and classification of the main habitats for cartographic purposes;
-make uniform since the beginning the cartographic works carried out by different operators. 
In charge of the course was dr.Giuseppe Oriolo, chosen for his knowledge of the vegetation of North East italy, for his decades old experience in monitoring and mapping habitats, and also for his long collaboration, since its beginning phase, with the"Carta della Natura" project.




Kind of habitat observed and issues (ita)

Photo gallery