Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Hydromorphology and Water Framework Directive

  • When Jan 01, 2010 from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Rome
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Rome, 22-23 April


The European Framework "Water" Directive  (Dir 2000/60/EC or WFD) presents the hydromorphological features as elements to be evaluated (in addition to those physical, chemical and biological) to elaborate a classification of high ecological status of rivers.
The two study days, organized by the Department for Inland and Marine Waters Protection of ISPRA, aim to present the state of the art of the hydromorphology and a new methodology for assessing the hydrological changes and the morphological quality of a watercourse. This methodology provided by the Decree on the classification of water bodies being published, will be adopted for the implementation of the WFD in Italy.
Therefore, the workshop is mainly addressed to those directly involved in the implementation of the WFD across the territory (Regions, ARPA / APPA, Basin Authorities).
Participation is subject to registration and explicit confirmation by e-mail notification.

Registrations to the workhop are closed.
You can still register for the second workshop, scheduled for April 23, dedicated to the detailad presentation of the morphological assessment methodology and hosted in ISPRA Auditorium, in via Curtatone 7
A replication of the first workshop is expected.