Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Presentation of Report Environment (SNPA) and Environmental Data Year Book (ISPRA)

  • When Mar 20, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Roma, Sala della Regina, Palazzo Montecitorio, Camera dei Deputati
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Rome, 20 March

The environmental data year book  and  the Report Environment are both expression of the National System  for Environmental Protection , and together represent the official source more completed, reliable and reasoned inter-environmental environmental information in our country. The event, one year later the entry into force of the law foundation of the National System for Environmental Protection, testifies theincreasingly effective collaboration between the various components of the SNPA on the priority theme of environmental information.The Environmental Data Yearbook is composed by 311 indicators for a total of 140,000 updated data, and it is not just a "database"  like a  simple information system, but represents a useful and complete tool of knowledge at the service of citizens, experts and political decision-makers.

The important role played by the SNPA in research, monitoring and environmental control in the country emerges clearly in the Report Environment which, in its first edition, is based on  two documents "Environment in highlight and "Environment in highlight : indicators and regional  peculiarity"


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