Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


M49 escape: several attempts, the last one succeeded

Ispra report of the inspection at the fence in Casteller (TN) from where M49 left

The bear M49 probably made several attempts before managing to escape from the Casteller enclosure, as it would seem from the inspection of the enclosure requested to Ispra by the Ministry of the Environment, carried out by the ISPRA researchers of Ozzano, and supported by the staff of the Forest Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

In fact, the point from which the bear left it is in the same position from which the animal had fled last year, in that case climbing over the fence, in a distant point of the fence from the portion where the technical space are located. This time, however, some of the rods of the fence net - 12 mm in diameter - were torn or folded from which he then escaped.

Press release (ita)
