Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


How to obtain Ecolabel

The applicant must submit a formal application for the license to use the EU Ecolabel to the competent Italian body (Ecolabel Section of the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee) which, in carrying out its activities, avails itself of the technical support of ISPRA Ecolabel section (Download the "Procedure for granting user license")

Simultaneously with the pre-registration on ECAT, the applicant must send to the Ecolabel-Ecoaudit Committee, by post / certified e-mail, the application for the concession, drawn up in accordance with the following specific forms:

Application form for concession / renewal / extension for the PRODUCTS: pdf or doc
Application form for concession / renewal / extension for the SERVICE: Tourist structure pdf or doc
Application form for concession / renewal / extension for the SERVICE: Servizi di pulizia pdf or doc

The application form, duly completed, must be sent via postal services, or via PEC, to the following address:

Sezione Ecolabel Italia
del Comitato per l'Ecolabel e l'Ecoaudit
via Vitaliano Brancati, 48
00144 - ROMA

Address PEC:

  • all the documentation requested in the model including certificates of payment of the preliminary investigation fees and, for companies already licensed, of any annual fees due (N.B. Failure to pay the fees is an obstacle to the initiation of the investigation procedure and rejection of the application)
  • all the technical documentation required by the EU Ecolabel Criteria relating to the specific group of products / services to which the application refers, (this documentation, also summarized in the specific user manuals / user manuals for each group of products / services.


Flowchart dell'iter di ottenimento del marchio Ecolabel

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