Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Hub Tecnologica Campania

Jun 04, 2020 09:30 AM to Jun 05, 2020 06:00 PM
The Hub Tecnologica Campania was founded in full synergy with the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, Ispra, the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Reclamation of Abusive Landfills, and with the participation of all the main public and private players, national and international, in order to promote the value of land rehabilitation and environmental recovery in Campania.

Venice, 2019: the ”Acqua Alta” year. A focus on November events.

The year 2019 will be remembered for the extraordinary frequency of floodings and the extremely hight sea level recorded in the city of Venice. What happened? The exceptional event of November 12, 2019 was due to the combined effect of many meteorological components: the high astronomical syzygy tide, the unusual high mean sea level of the Mediterranean Sea in November, reflecting an anomalous general atmospheric depression over the basin, a deep small-scale atmospheric pressure minimum developed over the Adriatic, moving rapidly northward and passing over the Venice lagoon and causing local winds of about 100 m/s

8 June - World Oceans Day

Ispra, in charge of Center INFO/RAC  of the UNEP/MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan) to support Barcelona convention for Mediterranean for the Protection of the Marine Environment, today 8 June, on the occasion of UN World Oceans Day launches a digital communication campaign with a web page and dedicated initiatives. 

The model of ecological beach

Jun 10, 2020 from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM Videoconference,
The official presentation of the Guidee " The Ecological Beach: sustainable management of the Posidonia banquette along the Lazio shorelines " is planned for next 10 June at 3 pm in videoconference with the Ministry of the Environment, Lazio Region, National Park of Circeo, Metropolitan City of Rome/Natural Monument palude Torre Flavia, municipalities of Cerveteri and San Felice Circeo

Campaign ISPRA-CNG "Report the landslide"

In the framework of the agreement between the National Council of Geologists and ISPRA, the national campaign "Report the landslide" was launched which in the context of the new NATIONAL #IdroGEO PLATFORM ON HYDROGEOLOGICAL INSTABILITY IN ITALY produced by ISPRA in the "Environmental Statistics Project" for cohesion policies of PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020.

Sustainability and Report SDGs 2020: statistics for our future

Jun 18, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Webinar,
On June 18, Istat is organizing a webinar to talk about sustainability and statistics for the future, on the occasion of the presentation of the third edition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report, adopted with the 2030 Agenda by the Member States of the United Nations. The SDGs 2020 report illustrates, through a system of statistical measures and, experimentally, with three new indicators, the progress made by Italy in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Although the Report mainly contains information updated to 2019, efforts have also been made to consider the impact of Covid-19. The general director of Ispra, Alessandro Bratti, will join the webinar.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

Jun 17, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Web meeting,
The world day promoted by United Nations to combat against desertification and drought is celebrated every June 17, with the aim to make people aware on the international efforts to fight the desertification and its effects, and that it's needed an strong involvement of the community and cooperation at any levels. This year the theme for the World Day of Desertification and Drought is (Food-Feed-Fiber) with the aim of raising public awareness of those unsustainable forms of production and consumption that contribute to soil degradation and consumption of water resources.

The first ecological beach: a new way to live the beaches

From 27 to 28 June in Cerveteri. On the ecological beaches of the Lazio coast will be testified new manage approaches for the Posidonia, the so-called banquette, to promote circular economy and environmental protection, as part of the Bargain project led by Ispra with the University of Tor Vergata and Enea.

Information on 5G: technology, law, limits, guarantees

Jun 23, 2020 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
The seminar, organized by Arpae and Anci Marche with the collaboration of the Marche Region and the National System for environmental protection, aims to share information, knowledge, needs and issues expressed by the various actors iand stakeholders nvolved, in a comparison that take into account technological development with respect for the rules and the precautionary principles necessary for the protection of citizenship.

Let’s go down to the bottom of the sea – Travelling with a submarine robot

The book "Let's go down to the bottom of the sea - Travelling with a submarine robot ", addressed, above all (but not only), to children was inspired by the desire to tell them, in a simple and nice way, some aspects of the research activity at sea: this is how Pollux, a small underwater robot, was born. Together with his friends Astrea (the research vessel) and EM2040 (the echosounder), Pollux tells about some of the explorations carried out on the beautiful seabed of our "Blue Planet".

Webinar on pollution and Covid-19

Jun 23, 2020 from 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM Webinar,
The Air Pollution and COVID19 webinar aims to provide information operators of the National Health System (NHS) and the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) on the issues of the relationship between environmental exposures and health  the relationship between environment and health in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic with particular reference to air pollution. It is organized in cooperation with the Italian Association of Epidemiology and with the journal Epidemiology & Prevention, and is part of the RIAS program (CCM 2018 of the Ministry of Health). Ispra expert is participating at the event.