Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Workshop: "4 Regions, 40 stages: the LIFE Sic2Sic project tell the experience of the Tour first year"

  • When Mar 07, 2019 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Roma, Sala conferenze Spazio Europa, Via Quattro Novembre 149
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Next 7 March 7 will be held the workshop about the first year of the project Life "Sic2Sic - Biking through the Natura 2000 Network - Sic2Sic".

The project, led by ISPRA with the partnership of Ares 2.0, and Fiab (Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle) and Enne3, University of Eastern Piemonte, provides bicycle routes that will connect 170 sites within two years. Italian Network of Natura 2000 for a total of 6,000 km, distributed in 20 weekly journeys across 7 regions (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Umbria, Sardegna, Puglia, Piemonte and Sicily) representing the different natural habitats of the country. Along the journey the local population is informed and sensitized on the value of the environment and sustainable development.

The workshop aims to describe the first year of the tour experience, which started on May 29th from Tarvisio and ended on November 17th in Cagliari, crossing Friuli-Venezia Giulia for 2 weeks (May-June), Lazio and Umbria for 4 ( September-October) and Sardegna for 2 (November); it will also be an opportunity to present the program of the cycling tour of 2019 which will cover Piemonte, Puglia and Sicily

More information

Press release


Photo gallery


to partecipate at the event register HERE