Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Integrating Emas and ecosystem services in the Cinque Terre national park

The present work originates within the experimentation conducted by ISPRA and Federparchi on the possibility of integrating the ecosystem services and their enhancement within the EMAS Regulation (CE) 1221/09. Through the analysis of a draft Environmental Statement of the Cinque Terre National Park, which is in the EMAS registration phase, and a work of support and comparison on the aspects related to the ecosystem services, it was carried out the definition of the most significant actions for the maintenance and / or strengthening of Ecosystem Services to be monitored through the EMAS environmental management system. Finally, guidelines, generally valid for parks, on the choice of the aforementioned actions and indicators to be used for their monitoring were identified.

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