Aces – Water, climate and health: from the environmental protection of resources, to access to water, to safety of use
The protection of human health and individual and collective well-being through the improvement of water management, the protection of ecosystems, the prevention, control and reduction of water-related diseases.
This is the primary objective of the project “ACeS - Water, climate and health: from the environmental protection of resources, to access to water, to safety of use”, financed under the Intervention Line 1.4 “Promotion and financing of applied research with multidisciplinary approaches in specific areas of intervention", of the E.1 program "Health - environment - biodiversity - climate" of the National Plan for complementary investments (PNC).
The ACeS project has the general objective of contributing to the national ratification of the Water and Health Protocol, in the wake of the "Protocol on Water and Health" drawn up at European level in London on 18 June 1999 and which entered into force on 4 August 2005.
Italy has collaborated in the work of the European Protocol whose ratification would represent an opportunity for integration between the various implementation activities of European directives through the simplification and rationalization of procedures, the integration of currently available data and the optimization of resources human and economic, in a context of economies of scale.
With a view to ratifying the protocol, the AcES project aims to fill some knowledge gaps on:
presence of emerging pathogens and possible antibiotic resistance in the water, sediment and biota matrix;
presence of chemical contaminants in recreational areas in the water and sediment matrix.
The leader is the Abruzzo Region, operational units of ISPRA, Arpae Emilia-Romagna, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Izs dell'Abruzzo e del Molise, Ars Toscana.
In particular, ISPRA will be involved in the sampling and analysis of the sediment matrix on which chemical and ecotoxicological analyzes will be carried out. Following the analyses, it will be the task of ISPRA to identify a methodology for assessing the health risk mainly for beach goers and swimmers.
Project duration: 2023-2026
Total cost of financing: 699,593.175 euros