Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA met the Minister of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, hon. Goran Trivan

Rome, 26 febraury

The DG of ISPRA, Alessandro Bratti, today met a Delegation led by the Minister of the Protection of the Environment of Serbia, On.le Goran Trivan, accompanied by the Ambassador of Serbia in Italy S.E. Goran Alexsic and other officials and staff members.

The MATTM, meeting proposing , was represented by dr. Paolo Angelini, coordinator for Bilateral Environmental Cooperation in the Balkans. Minister Trivan, in Italy to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Minister Costa, highlighted the profound harmony between the two countries. The technical cooperation of ISPRA to support the implementation of the Serbian environmental strategy is seen with great interest, as part of the MATTM initiatives to support Belgrade's environmental policy activities.
Focal points of future talks are: definition of future strategies, introduction of new techniques and clean technologies, investment opportunities for Italian entrepreneurship, strengthening of bilateral scientific and technological cooperation, also considering the start by the end of 2019 of a plan local training for those who work in industrial sites at significant risk.
Full availability shown by ISPRA to further and further scientific and technological cooperation on environmental matters with Serbia