Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale




  • Application form for access to environmental information.( pdf - doc )
    Applications are made by compiling the attached form. Users must indicate the type of information for which access is requested or details of the document they need to consult or copy (details that will enable its identification). Users will provide their personal details and eventually those of the entity they represent. The form can be transmitted to the URP Service by mail or fax
  • Application form for access to administrative documentation.( pdf - doc )
    Applications are made by compiling the attached form. Users must indicate details of the document they need to consult or copy. These details will enable the document’s identification. Users will provide their personal details and eventually those of the organisation they represent. They will also indicate the relevant legal interest that justifies their request.
    The form can be transmitted to the URP Service by mail or fax.
  • Application form to require documents and information relating to the cartographic publishing products of the Italian Geological Survey (pdf - docx)
    Please find the information on how to purchase the product in the page.