Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Water Challenges for a Changing World

The EU Council launch the initiative to coordinate research and innovation in water sector

December 7 The EU Council has taken the decision to launch the joint programming initiative "Water Challenges for a Changing World." The decision adopted today in Brussels, will help to reduce fragmentation of efforts made by Member States in the protection and management of water resources, promoting the activation of skills, experience, knowledge and funding, with the aim of strengthening the role-guide of Europe in this sector.
Italy participates in the initiative with the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the National Institute for Environmental Research and Protection (Ispra), also on behalf of the Ministry of Environment. The European Union invests around 500 million euros /year to fund public research and innovation in the water sector, of which 370 invested by European countries and 130 from the European Commission. The joint programming initiatives actively support the European Commission to ensure that European citizens fully benefit from these investments. This Joint Programming Initiative involved when fourteen European countries, including Italy with ISPRA, in addition to the European Commission. This initiative for joint programming on the water is part of a Council Decision concerning the European Union that also supports other 9 similar initiatives for research on major of socio-economic issues importance for Europe.
The announcement that the European Commission will launch fund to support the action of JPI "Water Challenges for a Changing World" is expected in early 2012 and will aim to facilitate the process of defining and implementing a common agenda Strategic Research. ISPRA Inland Waters and Marine Environment Department
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