Aquatic Ecotoxicology: research, methodologies and practical applications.
The 4th workshop "Aquatic Ecotoxicology: research, methodologies and practical applications" has been organized by the ISPRA research unit in Livorno and the Interdeparmental Service of Ecotoxicology, in collaboration with the Interuniversity Centre of Marine Biology and Applied Ecology (CIBM) and the Port Authority of Livorno. Technical-scientific issues such as nano-ecotoxicology, the effects of drugs, cosmetics and toxic natural compounds have been first introduced in this edition of the workshop.
- Sommario
Sessione I - Organismi test e biosaggi
Sessione II - L’ecotossicologia come strumento di gestione
Sessione III - Approccio multiplo in ecotossicologia
Sessione IV - Aspetti emergenti in ecotossicologia
Appendice I - Elenco delle presentazioni in Power Point
Appendice I - Presentazione prof. Aldo VIARENGO
Appendice I - Presentazione dott. Stanislao ZIANTONI
Appendice I - Presentazione dott. Renato BAUDO
Appendice I - Presentazione dott. Fulvio ONORATI
Appendice I - Presentazione prof. Enrico SABBIONI
Appendice I - Presentazione dott.ssa Giovanna ROMANO
Appendice I - Presentazione dott. Alfredo PARRELLA