Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Soil4Life is a European project that involves Italian, French and Croatian partners, which aims to promote sustainable use of the soil as a strategic, limited and non-renewable resource. A goal in line with the commitment signed by the European countries at the United Nations table, through adherence to the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG.

Co-financed by the European Commission through the Life programme, Soil4Life involves associations and research institutions convinced that the soil must be preserved with concrete actions and policies, supported by analyses and data that allow monitoring of the ecological status. Soil4Life pursues the application of the Voluntary Guidelines for sustainable soil management promoted by FAO, adapting them to national, regional and local contexts, and provides information and support to territorial planning involving the agricultural sector and sector professionals (agronomists, geologists, urban planners and designers). Soil4Life also aims to increase citizens’ awareness of soil protection and to raise awareness among national and EU institutions of the need to adopt adequate regulations to stop soil consumption and prevent its degradation.

ISPRA's role is to contribute to the analysis of existing policies at European and national level on the theme of sustainable soil management as a basis for the creation of communication and information support material for each theme (e.g. territorial planning, urban planning policies , agricultural / economic practices, training and communication, etc.); to adapt and disseminate the tool developed within the LIFE Soil Administration Models 4 Community Profit project (SAM4CP LIFE13 ENV / IT / 001218) to support local government decisions for the assessment of costs for ecosystem services due to soil consumption; to implement, through the involvement of the SNPA, regional technical tables on land use.


Total financing € 1,751,861

Duration of the project: Start 01/10/2018 end 31/03/2022

Project website 

Video - Soil4Life per la Giornata Mondiale dell'Ambiente

Video - Soil4life - Obiettivo 2050

Video - Soil4Life - Roma perde terreno al ritmo di 100 ettari all’anno

Video - Soil4Life - La relazione tra suolo e cambiamenti climatici

Video - Soil4Life - l'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi

Video - Soil4Life - legge sul consumo di suolo

Video "Neanche il Covid ferma il consumo di suolo. Speciale Roma e Milano"

Video - Soil4Life - per le scuole

Video "Ecco cosa significa perdere terreno"

Video sul monitoraggio del territorio

Video realizzato per la pubblicazione da parte della Commissione europea della strategia per il suolo